Our Chair, Pauline, recently presented a donation, from the proceeds of our Spring concert, to the Somerton Memory Cafe. Our Secretary received this lovely letter in thanks.
Dear Sheena
I am writing to thank you and all the choir for the very generous
donation you gave to the Memory Cafe today.
We are all very touched by the kindness shown, and the money will be a
great help towards our rent costs.
The members present today were delighted with Pauline’s rendition of
Summertime, which was absolutely beautiful. Although it was sprung on
her Pauline did a fantastic job to sing so well. Things like this make
the members feel recognised and special, and help them to forget about
their troubles and lift their spirits. Since setting up the Cafe in
January we have been overwhelmed by the kindness and support which the
people of Somerton have shown us.
I attach a photo which was taken by my husband.
Sending best wishes to everyone in the choir and looking forward to your
next concert.
Annette Sparks
Somerton Good Neighbours.