Rowena Wallace


Rowena Wallace was a founder member of the Mid Wessex Singers and was still singing with us in the weeks before her death on 12 May 2024.



Many choir members were honoured to attend her funeral service on 31 May and sing one of her favourite pieces of choral music “Cantique de Jean Racine’ by Faure.



Three long serving members of the choir have paid tribute to her with their fond memories of a very special lady who will be very sorely missed by us all.



Jadi Carlyon


‘Whilst attending Rowena’s funeral I was struck, not by what was mentioned about her busy social life, particularly relating to her involvement with the Church, but by what, due to the natural modesty of her family and lack of time, was omitted or just glossed over. As a friend for many years, I was constantly surprised by Rowena’s energy and how, often mostly unnoticed in her unassuming way, she fitted so many hours into each day.


I probably met Rowena in the mid 1980s, I expect through involvement in pantomime. In those days we were both on stage but I rapidly found my niche amongst the backstage and construction crew. Although always very modest about her abilities and remaining quietly in the background, Rowena was always willing to join in on construction and painting tasks and after ‘retiring’ from acting managed Somerton Dramatic society’s Front of House team for many years.


I spent more time with Rowena from the mid-90s when motherhood and caring responsibilities changed my focus away from career and she was taking time out of the family printing business. I crossed paths with her regularly at the open air pool in Street and always admired her commitment to fitness.


As part of her long service to Christian Aid in Somerton, Rowena was the force behind the post lockdown pop-up Charity shop, recruiting local friends of all ages to help raise a significant sum for the charity. In the process she recruited widely amongst her many contacts and incidentally helped to re-energise and reunite many for whom the lockdowns had been lonely time.


I know that in the past couple of years of poor health and falls Rowena found her lack of stamina frustrating but she didn’t complain. She was clearly often in considerable pain but, supported by Bill and her family, fought to do what she still could, including Tuesday evening choir rehearsals. I had sung with her from the formation of the choir and when I returned after some years absence it was lovely to see how her confidence in sight-reading had grown. Rowena took much pleasure in singing music of all types. It was sheer determination which got her to the Mid Wessex Singers 25 year celebration concert, sadly not as a performer, but we were delighted to see her there, in a building she loved and with those who loved her, for one last time.’


Rose Burt


‘A few weeks ago I noticed a quote from St Augustine on our Church notice sheet; it said …’A Christian should be Alleluia from head to foot’. I immediately thought – that’s Rowena!


Rowena truly was an amazing person – she had a wonderful, infectious smile, a great enthusiasm for life and her faith was at the heart of everything she did.


She made things happen, she had the determination to solve a problem, she saw the potential in people and then gave them the encouragement they needed. (Rowena encouraged me to join St Michael’s choir after singing next to me in a carol service!)


A generous, kind hearted soul who cared deeply for others, especially those in need of help, she worked hard supporting numerous causes and charities. at home and abroad, most notably Christian Aid for which she was a volunteer coordinator and collector for many years, responsible for raising thousands of pounds in our community.


At Mid Wessex Singers, amongst other things, we are extremely grateful to Rowena for introducing just to Alice as a potential new Musical Director when we had a vacancy post Covid.


Rowena was always reminding us of the need to smile and look as if we were enjoying singing.


We must remember her and smile!’


Steph Taylor


‘Rowena was a founder member of Mid Wessex Singers back in 1999. She left for a while and I first met her when she returned in 2013.  She was always an enthusiastic singer and quickly became involved as a committee member, firstly as Membership secretary and then serving as Secretary for almost four years, providing great support to me in my last year as Chair. In addition she took on the task of co-ordinating the production of posters and concert programmes and stayed on the committee until very recently.


I remember Rowena as a very kind, compassionate person who was always willing to help others, a friend to all. She was a great advocate for the choir encouraging new people to come and join us and introduced us to Alice as our new MD when the choir came out of Covid hibernation.  I had left the choir during that period and Rowena was the one who persuaded me to come back and give it a try.  I have so much to thank her for as I am really enjoying being back with friends in the Mid Wessex Singers community again, but there will be a big Rowena shaped hole in that community now.’  

Rowena Wallace